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July 5, 2011
Town of Princeton, MA
Regular Meeting
July 5, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM.  Present were Chairman Raymond Dennehy, Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

FY11 Warrant #27 and FY12 Warrant #1
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.

June 20, 2011- Regular Meeting - Edie moved to accept the minutes. Stan seconded.
All in favor (3-0).
June 20, 2011- Executive Session - Edie moved to accept the minutes not to be released at this time. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Award Highway and Fuel Bids
Stan moved and Edie seconded to accept the low bid submissions made at the June 15th bid opening to:
CRACK SEALING: Crack Sealing Inc, Raynham, MA
FUEL OIL, DIESEL, GASOLINE: Radio Oil, Worcester, MA
WINTER SAND: LLEC, Inc., Sterling, MA
STONE AND GRAVEL: E.H. Perkins Construction, Sterling, MA
LINE PAINTING: HI-Way Safety Systems, Inc., Rockland, MA
All in favor (3-0).

Annual Board and Committee Appointments
Edie moved to re-appoint the following to a term to expire June 30, 2014:

Public Safety Committee:


Thomas Prince Middle School Enrollment Study Committee:

Raymond seconded. Approved, 2-0. Stan abstained.

Current Committee Vacancies
Raymond announced that there are vacancies on these boards and committees: Capital Improvement Planning, Cemetery, Council on Aging, Cultural Council, Historical Commission-Alternate, Memorial Day (2 vacancies), Open Space, Personnel, Princeton Center Management (2 vacancies). Stan suggested these committees be contacted and encouraged to recruit prospective members.   

Sign Assistant Town Clerk Certification
Edie moved and Stan seconded that Raymond sign the document that will be submitted to the Secretary of State. All in favor (3-0).

STRAP Application Process for Mirick Road
Raymond explained that the Town through the efforts of the Road Advisory Committee and Highway Supt. Glenn Lyons plan to apply for a Small Town Rural Assistance Program (STRAP) grant to reconstruct a portion of Mirick Road between Route 31 and Beaman Road. As part of the application process a certification by the local executive body is required. Edie moved and Stan seconded that Raymond sign the Certification of Public Entity Authorization portion of the MassWorks Infrastructure Program. All in favor (3-0).

Request to Increase Ambulance Rates
John presented the Board with an email from Michael Emerson, Accounts Manager of EMS Billing Solutions, the Town’s new ambulance billing vendor. Mr. Emerson noted in his message that the Town has not adjusted its ambulance rates since 2008 in spite of two reductions in Medicare reimbursements for EMS services. Mr. Emerson further noted that all the communities he works with have raised rates in response to the Medicare reductions in order to mitigate the adverse cash flow resulting from the reductions. He recommended the Town increase ambulance billing rates across the board by 25%.

John and Fire Chief LaPorte indicated their agreement with the recommendation. Chief LaPorte elaborated that the proposed change would bring Princeton closer to par to area communities. He also responded to questions from Board members concerning payments from private parties, insurance companies, and Medicare.

In response to further questions from the Board, Chief LaPorte also reported on the overall easy transition that has occurred and the advantages of the online billing and reporting packages that are provided through EMS Billing Solutions.

Edie moved and Stan seconded that the Town increase its ambulance rates by 25% effective immediately. All in favor (3-0).

The Board discussed the need to carefully monitor the marketplace so the Town can adjust rates as necessary. EMS Billing Solutions will be asked to continue to make the Town aware of such events.

Public Safety Committee and Thomas Prince Middle School Enrollment Study Committee
The Board agreed to no longer routinely include these committees on the agenda during periods when they are inactive.

Thomas Prince School Green Repair Building Committee
There has been no activity since the Board’s last meeting. John reported that the designers are working on the bid documents and that the Committee is next scheduled to meet July 13th.

Underutilized Town Assets Study Committee
Committee members are individually reviewing documents regarding previous studies to Mechanics Hall. The Committee is scheduled to meet and to tour Mechanics Hall on July 12th.

John called to the Board’s attention that the official name of the committee, the Underutilized Town Real Estate Assets Study Committee, is so long that no one uses it. He requested that the Committee be renamed the Underutilized Town Assets Committee. Edie moved and Stan seconded that the Committee’s name be changed as suggested. All in favor (3-0).

Other Business

  • John reported that he is refining the advertisement and job description for full-time Fire Chief and is on schedule.
  • Edie called to the Board’s attention an email from the Mass. Municipal Association received earlier in the day. The message asked member communities to inform Governor Patrick of their support of the Municipal Health Reform package passed by the House and Senate as part of the FY 12 Budget Bill that is on the Governor’s desk. Stan moved and Edie seconded that John draft a letter to the Governor indicating the Board’s position supporting the legislation and that it is sent to the Governor immediately. All in favor (3-0).
   Stan suggested that all municipal fees be reviewed by the various departments and the Board be informed of the results of the reviews. The Board was in agreement. John will follow up.
  • Members of the Board congratulated John on his second anniversary as Town Administrator on July 1. John thanked the Board and previous Boards for their counsel and support.
Public Comment

Executive Session

The Board unanimously voted to adjourn at 6:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Lebeaux
Town Administrator

Documents Reviewed:
Highway and Fuel Bid Opening, June 15, 2011
Board and Committee Openings, June 28, 2011
Assistant Town Clerk Certification
MassWorks Infrastructure Program, 2011 Application
Email from Michael Emerson, EMS Billing Solutions, June 27, 2011 regarding ambulance rates
Detail of Current Ambulance rates
Email from Mass. Municipal Association, July 5, 2011 regarding FY 12 Budget Bill submitted to Governor Patrick